
Power of Vastu

Vastu is a vedic science. It is possible through this powerful science to bring ray of hope to the darkness of ill luck in life. Unfortunately, some misconcepts are there regarding this science. Vastu is the art of incorporating the rules of vedas in the construction. It is a surprising fact but true that the construction on a plot can control the life systems.

It is in practice that builders would not follow the vastu rules in the commercial constructions. They feel no fear in violating vastu rules. The minimum period required for a construction is 01 year and in care of multistory building it could be 2-3 years. Any violation in vastu rules result in the down fall of the builder in 6 months whereas an honest attitude to wards vastu purusha and vastu rules can bring happiness and prosperity in the life of the builder within an year.

Why Vastu is needed

In the world everything, substance, man and other animals are made from the Panchmahabhoot that is the five basic elements. The earth, the water, the fire, the wind and the sky. The five elements have close relationship with man and his environment. Nature has given them their proper place according to merit.

If we give proper place to these elements at proper places in our building we become one with Nature. Actually nature is the God. One can experience the eternal truth of nature on every step. The whole nature is over powered with magnetic environment. The modern man has waged a war with nature in many fields. We can see nature with our own eyes and we can experience the Panchmahabootas. Going against them would lead us to sure destruction. Taking the surroundings and the proper places for these elements into consideration, the sages and seers introduced Vaastu_shastra. For showing themselves rational, some people think #Vaastu_shastra as superstitious. This is really a great misfortune for them.

Many a times a man purchases a place (plot) or house because it is cheap. He does not pay any attention to the usefulness or harmfulness of the same. If he purchases a place, plot or building using the principles of Vaastushastra, his economic front definitely improves and gets peace and prosperity. However, if the selection goes wrong it leads to financial losses, untimely deaths of important people, gap in the education of children etc. He then turns to God. After taking all possible measures if the position remains bad he blames his fate.

Without Karma (Action) there are no fruits. But if we are not getting the returns after good Karma then, by following Vaastu_shastra we can remove the defects in the structure and enjoy the fruits. However, if after removing the defects in the house, we don't do any thing, progress is not possible. Karma needs the help and support of the basic elements, nature and environment. To make changes in our building structure as per Vaastushastra is also a sort of work i.e. Karma.

There are Five Elements (Panch Mahabhootas) of Vastu Shastra : Eart, Water, Fire, Air, Space. There is an invisible and constant relation between all the five elements. Thus, the man can improve his conditions by properly designing his buildings by understanding the effectiveness of these five natural forces.
If you need any Vastu Consultancy in your region or any part of India then you can Contact for Appointment At Mantra Sadhna Jyotish Foundation(Regd.)

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